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About Us

The Kings Park Photography Club is a friendly group of photo enthusiasts of all levels wishing to improve their skills in a social and educational learning environment.

We are located on the North Shore of Long Island, New York, nestled among many parks, beaches, and wildlife, with stunning landscapes and photo opportunities.

We meet once a month at the Kings Park Library located in Kings Park, NY, but one need not live in Kings Park to belong or participate.

Homepage 2

Mission Statement:
to maintain an informal club, with our focus on learning, having fun with like-minded people, and giving back to the community.

Programs & Activities:

In Field trips throughout the year we visit a variety of venues from the North Shore of Long Island to New York City. 
A monthly Zoom meeting invites participants to discuss and critique their work with peers.

Club members can participate in monthly Theme Contests. Recent themes include "Graffiti", "Flowers", and "Solitary".

Whether you are interested in shooting better, composing better photos, editing or learning a new workflow, you can find friends willing to assist.  The majority of our members use digital equipment and have editing software experience.

My photo album
Featured Album -
September  2024
Photographer -   Jonathan Brako

Photo Album -  My Photo Album

My interest in photography began with reading National Geographic magazine as a kid. The color photos of people, places, and things started me on my journey. My first camera was a Minolta XE7 that I bought in Japan while serving in the Navy 1965-66.  I shot photos of ships at sea, ports of call, and anything else that stirred my interest.  When I returned home I began developing my own B & W film as color was too difficult and expensive to do. 

This past June I found KP photo club on Facebook and loved what I saw.  Many of the photos were stunning.  This renewed my interest in photography so I joined the club. 

To sum it up, I have much to learn and look forward to doing so.

To create a Photo Album, go to your Profile page, add a new album, and upload your images. Click here for directions: Create Photo Album

About our banner...
Our banner image was taken from the Kings Park Bluff, where the Nissequogue River 
empties into the Long Island Sound.  Our members often meet and photograph the beautiful sunsets here (and sunrises for the early risers!)  We consider The Bluff as a symbol of Kings Park, and consequently as a symbol of our club.

Visitor's Tour

Start Tour



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Club Benefits

  1. Share your photos
  2. Presentations and guest speakers
  3. On-Location Photo Shoots
  4. Monthly "Theme Contests"
  5. Mentoring Program
  6. Technical Support
  7. Cellphones Welcome
  8. Facebook Group Page
  9. Instagram Page
  10. Affordable Dues ($25/yr)