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Photography Education

Our recurring learning happens on the first Monday of each month when we meet on Zoom for photo sharing and discussion. Members submit photos for suggestions on cropping, B&W vs, color, composition, and other areas of photography.

For example, in the photo on the upper left we debated whether to leave in the Motel 6 sign. In the photo on the upper right we puzzled over the problem of the roof.

Learning is not confined to the first Monday of each month. We have also had presentations at our meetings, some of them quite unusual.

One member did a presentation on manhole covers, while another demonstrated how he cut his own custom mats for his frames. This same member also demonstrated his technique for colorizing old B&W photos (lower left image.)

And of course there is informal learning going on during our photo shoots, when one member might give another tips on lining up a shot or a camera setting.

Photo Outings

Click on the photo to learn more:


Click on the photo to learn more.


Click on the photo to learn more.


Click on the photo to learn more.



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