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Social Media

If you are into social media, the KPPC has four options:

1) Facebook Private Group

You will need to join our club to be admitted.  This is where much of the social interaction takes place.  Members regularly upload their own photos and “like” and comment on the photos of other members.
Facebook Private Group

2) Facebook Public Page: "Photography Tips, Tricks, and Info"

Open to the public.  Here you will find links to info about all aspects of photography, as well as comments from both our members and non-members.
Facebook Public Tips & Tricks


3) Instagram Club Page - Public

Here you will find photos from previous club photo shoots, announcements about club activities, photos from favorite places to shoot, photos from Theme Contest Winners and more.

Instagram Club Page

4) Instagram Hashtag Page - Public

Finally, on the Instagram club Hashtag page you will see photos from our members who have included the hashtag #kingsparkphotographyclub in photos on their own Instagram public pages.  Here you can sample some of the best photos from our members.

Instagram Club Hashtag Page