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Testimonials from KPPC Members

"There was a recent article that I read about Mount Washington in New Hampshire, one of the highest mountains in North America. The temperature up there there is minus 100 degrees. They offer trips to go up to their weather center where they're getting all these crazy readings.

So I went to their website and it looks insanely beautiful. You're above the clouds, and there were shots of sunrises and sunsets. Since I've been a member of the camera club I see the possibility of being able to take photographs at out of the way places like that myself, and have others see and appreciate them. It encourages me to shoot, to capture images of things that I normally wouldn't even consider, to find beauty in things that at a glance I would walk right by."

M, IT support tech


"I was always the designated photographer in my family for birthdays and get togethers, but never more than that. After I retired I got a dog and found myself walking in beautiful parks and beaches in the early hours of the morning, and late in the day with the sun setting. I wanted to capture these images and share them. I also needed help learning about cameras settings and other aspects of photography.

So a friend suggested that I join the Kings Park Photography club and wow am I glad. They're so nice, so knowledgeable and so patient with my lack of expertise. I still use my cell phone mostly, but the club has done so much to motivate me to shoot different, interesting themes and subjects."

J, retired marketing manager

"I am an amateur photographer and have from the beginning of my membership with KPPC received more support and respect from its more experienced members than I ever received from any other local  group I was a member of in the past!"

C. retired Huntington Deputy Town Clerk

"I have always enjoyed being creative.  But my desire to express my thoughts and ideas through the camera came from my uncle Jerry. He  was an international award-winning photographer.  He traveled every inch of the world with a very loving wife lugging dozens of cameras, tripods and lenses, always returning with jaw-dropping photographs.  It was more than his hobby, it was his passion.

No  matter how busy he was running a business he always had time for me.  We would jaunt around NYC snapping pics relentlessly.  Our outings ranged from the Hamptons to the Lower East Side streets to the Rockaways to Gleason’s Gym.  No neighborhood was untouched. Jerry was always there to guide me, distilling his knowledge, experience and creativity.

My uncle's patience and support has propelled me to continue looking at the world through a lens, which is one reason I joined and appreciate the Kings Park Photography Club.

I miss our trips, and for the record, Jerry, I still can’t get that perfect shot."

A, retired financial manager


"The theme contests give me an opportunity to express myself creatively. I don't use an expensive camera or fancy equipment. It's just me and my cell phone, so if I see a shot that looks good, I just stop and capture it.

I've enjoyed using my imagination on themes like "Still Life", "Solitary", or "Small World", and it's interesting to see what other people come up with too. Each month is another adventure looking for the perfect shot."

F, retired nurse
"The Kings Park Photography Club provides a place to interact with people who have interests in many different areas of photography." 

K, wildlife photographer