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Weekly Photo Challenges - 52 Frames

Eric Loehwing | Published on 3/10/2024
At a recent Zoom meeting Jill mentioned a weekly photo challenge that has really inspired her.  It's called 52 Frames.  Each week a new challenge is issued, and people are invited to submit a photo for the album.  As this is written the current week's challenge is Symmetrical Composition.  There is also a page of explanation and tips.  At the end of the week's challenge you can view all the photos that were submitted in an album.  The previous week's challenge was "Move the Camera", and there were 3062 photos submitted.  To submit a photo it must have been taken during the week; you can't just look back through your portfolio.  You can view all the previous weeks'albums even including albums from previous years.  Below are some previous challenges.

L-R:  Symmetrical Composition, Move the Camera, Complementary Colors, Unexplored

LL-R:  Shoot From Above, Shoot From Below, Scene from a Movie, Black and White